Podcast episode link:


Who is Carl Richards?

Twitter: @behaviorgap

Website: https://behaviorgap.com/

Cue/ Questions Notes
Why do simple drawings/ visuals? Drawing/ simple visuals are amazing because...

Most of us learn visually, But few can communicate visually as well!

There's power in the amateur/ back-of-the-napkin nature of such simple visuals | | What are the principles that Carl Richards talks about in his creative process? | 1. Embracing constraints 2. Turn flaws to features 3. Fire yourself as the judge of your own work 4. Notice tailwinds 5. Content flywheel | | Why you should embrace constraints? | - Force you to do good work

Reminds me of Tim Ferriss' quote: 'Make one decision that would eliminate 1,000 other decisions.' | | Do you know you can convert your Flaws into Features? | - Carl tried using Adobe, but stuck to hand-drawn images, despite the shortcomings. That flaw defined his trademark feature for his visuals

"Your job is to just post & publish your work. It ends there!" | | Why & how to Notice tailwinds? | - Make lots of small bets

But he does say that he uses it now more intentionally as a vehicle to share ideas.

Carl's strategy is to use...

He & his team has cleaned his Twitter timeline, now hosting only best of his work & ideas | | What is Carl's content strategy? | - Communicate ideas v/s Tell stories

Carl's favorite kind of an entrepreneur (or content creator) is the one... "who's compelled to entrepreneur (or create content). It's not really a choice." | | How to increase your luck surface area? | - Build in public

PS: You play in traffic hoping to get hit. Carl says he got luck that he got tailwinds. But he also says that there are many talented people, writers, designers, etc., who simply don't make it. There's a piece of this, that CAN'T BE EXPLAINED! | | How does Carl never runs out of content by using his Content Flywheel? | Carl & his team are in knowledge business. Carl's team said to him that they got enough material to create info-products for next 5 years. He can literally stop creating content, without spoiling the business.

How was this possible? Here Carl shared his content flywheel that helps him generate new materials and come out with new products every other time.

Oh yeah! For Twitter, his team pulls out 1-2 ideas from the daily podcast, writes about it and tweets it out. | | My summary | I personally liked the following concepts most from Carl's interview: | | What's the thing that impressed me the most? | Flaws into defining Features


Or... You can also use the https://aurasky.notion.site/Flaws-to-Features-template-5ca2f2c5497646e88f543ee756fe3dfd I created to help you in this exercise | | What's the thing that I think I will use the most? | Content Flywheel

I often consult with businesses/ non-profits/ startups on their social media/ digital content marketing strategy. Often times, the issue is not the lack of content. The problem is in structured distribution.

My immediate recommendation: Don't create more content. Create a content machine to leverage existing content - to repurpose, to schedule it, to systematize it - so the process is easier and the result is effective.

My first official ebook, 'The Yellow Visuals' didn't start out as an ebook project. I simply designed and posted one visual a day, as part of the Daily Visual challenge. I created so much visuals that there came a point when I decided to select the best performing visuals and curate them and package them into a downloadable PDF. Thus birthing the 'Yellow Visuals' ebook.

I did the same thing with 'Sathya's Sketchnotes' - my second ebook. I was learning sketchnoting and posting my work on Twitter. It was received so well that I compiled the 30+ sketchnotes into an ebook.

That's content flywheel.

CTA: Now ask yourself what are the content - could be blogs, medium articles, Twitter/ LinkedIn posts, your school/ college assignments, reports, etc.

Now think of extracting noteworthy content that seems to resonate with you.

There you got some new materials.

Publish it. And give yourself pat on your back!

Rinse and repeat.

That's your content flywheel. | | What are the two things that Carl mentions that I'm already doing and a big fan of? | Lots of small bets

Permission-less projects

Flaws to Features (template)

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